Friday, November 18, 2005

Best Video Games of All Time: Why Sonic Sucks

They had a site on today that summed up a ton of "Top 10" lists for the greatest video games ever. I didn't read them all but they have a summary of all the reviews near the bottom that show Link and Mario leading the pack of characters in the best games ever. They also make note that Sega has a very poor showing. Sonic, Sega's mascot has never been in the same field / ballpark / game as the other console poster children.

And here's why:
Sonic was always too good for his own good. He tried too hard. Sonic and his crew told people they were cool, and therefore, by definition, they were not. See at him over there... Looking so cool. But look closely at the fear in his eye. There is a hole in his soul that coolness will never fill.

Like Poochie from the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon. Being too cool is a guaranteed failure.

So, if you ever want to become one of the greatest video game characters of all time, play it cool, but not too cool. And it helps if you are a racial sterotype, or an elf.

Update: I forgot to mention that my wife's blog asks the question: "Who would win in a fight, Kirby or Rogue?" which is why I wanted to post about video game matchups.