So I'm supposed to write about my life and not just Mac stuff. (What you don't realize is Mac stuff IS my life). But as you are probably the only person that might read this, I guess I should comply.
Right now I've been focusing a lot on learning to program. Before this semester, I hadn't written a program for the last 3 years. So I'm a bit rusty to say the least. Now that I'm getting back into it, it seems that my programming experience is a bit different than many of the other students. I recognize a few things that the other students have even heard about yet (like pointers and linked lists) but have trouble dealing with really basic fundamentals too (like arrays... Damn you arrays!). So, I'm really just trying to stay ahead of the game. And then I ask a bunch of questions from the nice TA when I don't understand something.
Anyways, we just got our first big project, so we will see how easy that is for me.
My other classes aren't as interesting. I have a crappy logic class that is just here to flunk and confuse students. The concepts aren't hard to get, but using the stuff you "learn" in class isn't very easy. Example problem: " prove that (p ^ q) v (q -> r) ^ (~r v q) <=> (q ^ r) " Its really a matter of not seeing any use for this kind of knowledge. Oh well I'm sure it will come to me eventually...
So there is my life right at this moment, now can I talk about more mac stuff?? (Did you see the iPod Nano?? sweeet!!)